Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Umbrellas and Phones

I think umbrellas are stupid. Something about holding this thing above your head to stop the rain just seems ridiculous. Its not natural, when its raining, you should feel the rain on your head. Hoods and hats are fine because you can still feel the rain. Also, most people look pretentious with their umbrellas. They have their fancy suits on and their matching umbrellas and from a sweatshirt-wearer's perspective, they are the epitome of tool bags.

On a completely unrelated note, why does everyone (myself included) feel the need to walk around aimlessly while on the phone? Whenever I'm on the phone, I find myself pacing back and forth like a moron, while I talk (well for me mostly just listen). Also, even when I know the conversation is not going to contain any damning information, I still feel the need to find a private place to talk, and walk around. Weird stuff.

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