Sunday, May 22, 2011

Movie reviews

Whenever I see a movie(and people find this out), even if no one was with me, I am asked by many people what I thought of that movie. Now I am not a very opinionated person about movies. I just enjoy them, and then don't really think about how much I enjoyed it, or if it was corny, or if it has amazing greater meaning. So when I am asked this question, I usually just shrug it off with a "meh".
Now this is tricky, because it does not end there. If you like the movie, they will spout off reasons why it sucks, and why your taste is awful. Similarly, if you do not like the movie, they will implore to you all the great aspects they found, and again try to imply that your taste is horrendous. Even with the "meh" response that I enjoy so much, there is still no end. They will try to convince you one way or the other, and sometimes two groups will form, one on each direction, and they will try to pull me in their direction.
But I resist, I refuse to formulate an educated opinion on the movie, because it doesn't matter. My thoughts on the movie are just thoughts, and they should not count for or against me in the selection of future movies, because my "taste in movies sucks".
Luckily, a few hours after people have been informed I have seen the movie, and I have replied "meh", they tend to forget completely about the movie, and move on with their lives. At least until the next one...

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