Sunday, May 8, 2011

Movie watchers

It has come to my attention that there is one type of movie watch that bugs the hell out of me. That type of person is almost always a girl, but there have been some exceptions. She will say things like "EWww", or "OH MY GOD", or "Don't do that!!", or just generally react in such a way that lets you know there is is no thought going on in their brain. Its these types of people that not only annoy me in the movie theater with their stupid outbursts, but also drive up the ratings on horrible movies, with cliche lines directed directly at their mentality.
Haven't these people seen movies before? Don't they know when something is completely obvious from the start of the film? Apparently the answer is no, they don't, because they are stupid. So my advise to those of you who might have to see a movie with these types of people is this: declare the movie as bad, turn off your brain, and try to see what they see.

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