The answer is simple, people don't know what the heckfire to do with shopping bags. You get a whole cart of bags every time you go shopping, and you pass by the little bag return box, but never, I mean never, do you think before going shopping to return the bags. So they sit in some place in your house, forever. At my mom's house its between the fridge and the wall, at my dad's apartment it was over the cubbard, and at my apartment it is in the pantry.
So they accumulate, but never really take up enough space to force you to remove them, since they are so easily squished and squashed. You even think, I can use them as small trash bags, or to hold stuff for vacations, but you will never need 300 bags, never.
In my experience, the only time they are ever removed is when you move out of your apartment. And you do not go down the the grocery store to recycle them, you just throw them all away in a big dumpster, and the world hates you, but you don't care, you just want to restart you inevitable bag collection at your new place.
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