Saturday, May 7, 2011


(Warning, this could be depressing, and its not really funny. Just so you know.)
My entire life I have been spoiled. I have not had to work 40 hours a week, I have not had to pay real bills, I have been responsible for practically nothing. I have had easy environments for making and keeping friends (school and dorms). I have had great physical health, and am now in the prime of my fitness level. Now that I am old enough to truly realize this, I am not living in fear of the future, but in great appreciation of the past and present. I will enjoy this short time before life really starts, and accept life as is comes. I am ready for the future, but I know I will always miss the first 21 years of my life.
This is not to say the rest of my life will suck. There is still potential for great times. I could genuinely enjoy my work, I could make tons of new friends, and even get a woman in my life. There is also room for the joys of having my own family. But even if all these joys are realized, I really do think my first 21 years(and especially last 4) will have been the best in my life.

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