Saturday, May 21, 2011


I became aware of Omegle. Its a site where you talk with strangers. Most of the time, they ask you for your asl, and upon hearing "m", they end the chat. But sometimes they actually talk to you. And in those times I have had conversations about the death penalty, soccer, violin, getting laid and how stupid the site is.
So when you actually get into a conversation, and they don't seem to be dicks, you sometimes meet an interesting turning point. Either disconnect, try to muster up more conversation, or maybe, just maybe, get there contact info to talk more in the future. The last option is very tricky, and I have never actually executed it, but kinda seems like part of the point of the site's existence.
Now I am not a fan of asl. I think you should just talk to the other person, and have that information come out naturally. But when deciding if you want to ever talk to them ever again, it is somewhat helpful. I don't really want to add a random 50 year old dude from Europe on FB, because that wold look kinda weird. But a 21 year old girl from NY, thats much more reasonable.

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