Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This Morning

When I got up this morning(2:30pm), I really had to pee. Now this is normal for the morning, but my roommate was clearly on the crapper, and was going to be a while, so I had to make a decision. Either I try to wait it out, pee outside, or go down to campus and pee there. Well after about a minute of waiting I reallly had to go, so I put on my shoes and walked down to campus. Now you might be thinking, why didn't I run? Well thats because I had just gotten up, so was still pretty tired, and I didn't want to run part of the way, then have to stop and walk the rest, that would make the desire to pee even greater.
So anyway, I was walking down to campus, and a thought occurred to me. This is a waste of a walk down to campus, I should do something while I am here. I thought maybe get some breakfast, or visit someone, or anything that would allow the statement "I walked down to campus just to pee" false. I then urinated in the armory, because it is the closest bathroom to my house. Then I thought, ok, i'll go to the union, theres stuff to do there. I walked around, decided I didn't want crappy union food, so I ended up getting some over-priced pop-tarts at fathers and left.
Theres nothing quite like walking back from campus with a just box of pop-tarts and a relief.

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