Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So I recently started training at Factset. During which I am supposedly going to learn how to better do my job, by learning about the company, a short C++ course, and some learning about tools and stuff. So I realize that I am back in school. Not college, but high-school. In college, you can not go to class as long as you know the material.
This is like actually important high-school. First, you get paid. And second, if you do not 'pass' the class, you don't have some ambiguous hit to your future, you lose your job. It's not, "you know, if you don't pass this class you won't get into college, and won't get a job". It is now, "you know all the time and effort you have put in your whole life, culminating finally in a job where you are a functioning member of society and are doing something you are at least interested in, well that time was all really a waste if you don't pass."
Now it's not like its hard to pass, since you are supposed to have the qualifications before going in, and there's not a formal 'test', but at least for me, there is a coding at the end that gets reviewed to "determine where you are put within your group". If you come off as not qualified, I'm sure you will be let go, sooner or later.
Man, super high-school sucks.

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