Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stupid Questions

Man, I am blogging a lot this week, probably because I am bored, but I have had a lot of inspiration.

Anywho, I hate it when people ask stupid questions. The type of stupid question I am talking about is one that you are not really supposed to answer, or one you are no more likely to know the answer to than the asker. Like "Why is this so complicated?", or "it says ENTER TECHNICAL WORDS HERE, what does that mean?", or even "why isn't the dryer done yet?". They do not say it in a low, passive tone, to imply they don't really want you to answer, they say it loudly, to your face, with conviction and frustration in their voice. One person I know does this constantly, and its really annoying. They are just trying to have some sort of human contact as they vent their frustration with their current situation. I don't want to be part of your frustration. I will be happy to help you if you really need it, but you are a smart person, and can more often than not figure out the answer to the stupid question just as fast as I can, and being that I have to familiarize myself with the situation, whereas you are already in it, my assistance is almost always a waste of time.

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