Monday, June 13, 2011

Party Enhancers

I recently went to a bat-mitzva. For those of you who might not know, this is where a jewish 12-13 year old girl becomes a woman, and there is a big party. At this party, there were mostly 13 year old girls, and old people. There were also people there whose job was to make the party better, by dancing with people, and being energetic. At first this concept blew me away. Having good looking people in a party purely for the purpose of getting others to feel less awkward about dancing, and at least make it seem like everyone was having a good time.
I did dance with one of these people for a little while, and it was interesting. I am not much of a dancer, but she was able to pretty much show me what I should do through her motions. This went on for like a song, then she went off to another guy on the floor, and my feelings of awkwardity returned, and I sat down. So was she effective? It could be argued she was, but I think her job was really to get me to want to stay up there, even after she left, which did not happen.

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