Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I believe that independence is very important. Being able to support yourself is a great attribute. this is because, if you are dependent on someone, then you are never truly free from their control. You do no have all the power over your actions, so you might be swayed to do things, or biased towards your supporter's ideals. I think that making and maintaining your own ideals and beliefs is very important, while still being able to have rational discussions about them, which could alter them. The point is, your ideals can be ever-changing based on new information, as long as that information is in no way biased, and being dependent on someone will make you biased.

Now, when in a relationship with someone (romantically I mean), it is good to be co-dependent. This means that you each rely on each other so some extent. I realize this will lead to some bias from both sides, but being in a relationship will do that anyway, so it cannot be helped. What I cannot support is a relationship with one party completely dependent on the other, while the latter has no dependence on the former. This kind of clingy relationship basically just erases the ideals of the former, and re-enforces those of the latter. There is no give and take, which is never healthy.

I suppose I should mention being a child. Children are dependent on their parents, and that is fine because they cannot be otherwise. Ought implies can. When the child comes of age, and is able to support himself physically, and mentally, then he should shed his dependence. I'm not saying you should oust yourself from the family, you should still love and care for them, but you should not be dependent financially or emotionally anymore. You should be finding the truths of the world, and making well-informed, unbiased decisions about your life.
The other side should also be mentioned. When you are a parent, you should be able to let your children go. You should be very proud when they become independent, and you should not try to force dependence onto them. And although this is not usually a consideration, you should by no means become dependent on them, at least until you are unable to be independent due to age complications.

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