Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Shining Force

I recently played through shining force, with the occasional assistance of a guide. While I appreciated the assistance with information on what classes could equip which items, the other information was pretty awful in my opinion.
First it has suggestions on which characters to use and why. This included a dragon named Bleu. He starts out weak but gets stronger. Sounds great right? Wrong, the game is very short and by the time you get him, you would have to dedicate a lot of time training him up for him to be of any use. By the time I reached the final boss, he was level 13(while my best character was level 25 and was promoted at lev 20, so effectively lev 35).
I think the error in the guide was thinking people would bother with specific training. Any character that kills things is going to get high leveled, and be powerful, the specific growth values don't really matter. So the point I am trying to make is don't listen to guides. I find it much more fun to make my own decisions, even if they are bad decisions. Most games will not punish you too much with being unable to finish the game or something like that. This game can definitely be beaten with any setup, given enough dying to level up.
The one piece of advise I would give on the game, don't let your main character get too underleveled, it will cause a lot of headaches if a random enemy can kill him in 1 hit :)

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