Monday, November 22, 2010

The Future - Retirement homes

I'm 21 and I just has some thoughts about our generation. We are very dependent and fluent with computers and technology in general. When we get old, we will still be able to use our hands and eyes, which is pretty much all you need to use technology, so will we be sitting in nursing homes with our laptops clicking away? The same goes for video games, will we be 90 and teaching some youngin how Halo 40 is really played?
I think we will. But at the same time, I think by that time, technology will be so far beyond where it is now, that we won't be up to date anymore. Well anyway, I look forward to gaming and watching anime during retirement just like I am now.

Well I will be using this blog to get out my random thoughts whenever I want to record them, let me know your thoughts and thanks for following.

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