Friday, November 26, 2010

Music's effect on me

I have a feeling I will be updating/expanding this one pretty often.
First I would like to talk about the music I like. Lately when I heard the first few notes of Mors Principium Est's Pure, I feel a huge amount of relief and joy. It both de-stresses me, and fills me with energy and general happiness. The rest of the album, and a lot of my other heavy music has a similar effect. When I listen to power-metal, Rhapsody for instance, has less of a de-stressing value, but more of an energetic value.
I think the part of this music that effects me is a combination of what I call the Epic value, and the pure speed. Anything that is slow and not epic not only bores me, but can be quite annoying, I will get to this more later. Epic value is pretty much what is sounds like, a good example is a really amazing guitar solo, or perhaps and tremendous scream. But it should be noted music with Epic value does not have to be fast, for instance Twilightning's album Bedlam. It is also important to note that pure speed does nothing for me, it must have some amount of Epic value, which can be great musicality and/or rhythm.
Ok, now its time for the music I hate. As mentioned before, anything slow without Epic value. This includes a LOT of music, so I will just mention the genres I have found that have a combination of Epic value and speed: Metal(specifically Folk/Viking, Thrash, Power/Speed, Death), Electronica/Techno. Now slow music does include a lot of different types.
Rap is slow with no Epic value. It is all about the beat, and the lyrics. I do not listen to lyrics, but this might be a topic for another post. So a genre all about a beat, not only is it by definition repetitive, but the vocalist is not even singing, or expressing emotion. Emotion is a very big part of Epic value.
Well thats all for now, I will probably go into other specific genres later, either by new post, or editing this one.

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