Monday, August 29, 2011

Sports fan in a bar

So today I went to a bar to watch some football, and there was a guy there by himself. He was sitting at the bar, and was very into So whenever something happened, he would make a comment about it. But he wasn't talking to anyone. The bartender was not there, I was facing away from him, as was the person on the other side of him. He was clearly talking to himself/trying to talk the players on the field.
Now I found this odd, as people talking through the TV is usually considered weird, especially with no in person audience to enjoy the comment. But I got the feeling this was the norm, that this kind of thing happens a lot at bars.
So I think if you are going crazy, and starting to talk to yourself, but you want to hide it, just become a sports fan, and hang out in bars. No one will ever know.

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