Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What do you want?

It's a powerful question. A question that no matter how much you think about it, you may never find the real answer. A question that by simply being asked it, it can change your answer. Not many questions have that power, that ability.

So let's dive right in. The simple answer is to be happy. To be in a state of bliss, with no worries, no cares, and no pain. But what does that really mean? If you are just happy all the time, your dopamine is constantly flowing, will it not dull your senses? Will it not get old? Will you not strive for more, for change, for greater pleasure?
The only way to reach great happiness is to be exposed to sorrow. One is most happy after a struggle, after pain, after they know the depths of how they can feel. So what does that mean? Do you really want pain, just to get more pleasure? Do you want to be in the extreme states, in order to reach that highest level of pleasure?
Or maybe that is too much. Maybe you don't need to feel the most pleasure, maybe just some. Maybe the pain isn't worth it, maybe just a little pain is fine, to gain that little pleasure. To make life interesting, to make life a mystery.
So, do you want, what you already have? A normal life, with ups and downs. With pleasure and pain. With balance?

(If anyone is reading this, and wants a more in depth analysis, I was thinking about some points to put in there, but I kinda liked the short and to the point post. Just comment, and I will make a longer version.)

1 comment:

  1. You should make a longer version.

    Also, this:
